Deut. 34:9 Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses. NKJV
Through impartation, Joshua had received the Spirit of Wisdom. Just as Solomon needed God’s wisdom to lead Israel as their king, so did Joshua need the wisdom of God to lead Israel to take the Promised Land.
Prov. 8:15-16 By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, All the judges of the earth. NKJV
This is talking about the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of wisdom. This is what everyone in a position of authority or high responsibility needs to function. This is what every leader needs. Leaders make the wrong choices because they lack wisdom and as a result nations are thrown into turmoil. People make wrong investments and lose money because they don’t have the wisdom of God. Someone marries the wrong person and gets stuck in an unsavory marriage because he or she lacks wisdom. Young people have sex and move in with someone not married to them because they lack the wisdom of God. When wisdom resides in you, it will pilot you in the right direction. That is why you need the Spirit of Wisdom operating in your life.
You don’t have to hassle or handle your difficult situations in the flesh. You don’t have to live in confusion and constant apprehension. No matter the difficulties that you face, no matter how complicated or touchy the matter, if you’ll depend on the Holy Spirit He’ll show you exactly what to do, and He’ll help you make it through. In every situation, you ought to say: “I’m mightily helped by. the Holy Ghost in this situation.” Young person you ought to say: “I have the Spirit of Wisdom helping me keep my virginity. He’s more than enough to get me connected right.” Amen! The same kind of wisdom, which was given to the writer of Proverbs and to Joshua is available to you right now.
In this world, there are many “educated” people, with a string of degrees. All that is head knowledge. It is intellectual knowledge. There are many people who have degrees and they’re walking the streets looking for a job. What they need is the wisdom of God to teach them how to apply the knowledge they received. Wisdom is a force that causes you to do what you ought to do. Wisdom is the controlling power that works in us, not just to will but also to do God’s good pleasure. It’s a force that brings you understanding, information, insight, and knowledge.
Wisdom says this of Himself:
I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. Prov. 8:12 KJV
Wisdom is all encompassing. He doesn’t travel alone. Wisdom has prudence (discretion and good judgment in practical affairs). You ‘ll have insight and foresight because the Spirit of wisdom brings them to you. He gives you the controlling force that causes you to act wisely. With the Spirit of wisdom you have it made in life.