Dear Brothers and sisters,
I trust you have had a wonderful time with your family as you celebrated Christmas. Please be sure you read my article (from last Sunday) about keeping your spirit strong during these holidays and beyond.
Aren’t you excited about a new year? I don’t know about you but I’m ready to forget all the difficult times we endured in 2017, some of which were the worst things that ever happened in this ministry. I am ready for the good things the Lord has ahead for us.
However, I realize that for good things to happen in the New Year, it will not be by accident. It will be what we believe and speak ahead of time. If our attitudes, our behavior, our words are the same, then we shouldn’t expect any new results.
As we start a new year, let’s revisit confession.
Heb. 3:1Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ JesusNKJV
Rom 10:10For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.NKJV
Jesus is the High Priest of our confession; He oversees what we say and brings it to pass. With the mouth, confession is made unto salvation or unto everything included in that salvation package: healing and wholeness, provision and prosperity, peace, deliverance etc.
The word confession is translated from the Greek word “Homologia,” which means to speak the same thing in consent. Confessing the Word means you agree with and say what the Word of God says about you, about Himself, about your world or anyone or situation.
Why is it important that we confess the Word boldly? It is because our confessions create realities. Jesus said, “You shall have what you say” (Mark 11:23).
Someone might ask, “Must I say it?” Emphatically yes! Otherwise you’ll never experience the vital realities of the Word of God in your life.
Jesus at one time told His disciples: Matt 17:20 …for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed , you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. NKJV
Luke 17:6-76 So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. NKJV
Brethren, if you had faith for your future you would say some things. You would not wait for a prophet to tell you what will happen in your life, you would make it happen with your own words. The Christian life is lived by words. It’s for talkers; talkers of the Word. You need to have talking sessions. I read the testimony of a lady who was in an accident and went into a comma. She could hear the doctors discuss her critical situation. So she asked Jesus to let her die. Jesus told her, “You can’t die now.” She asked Him why? He said: “You have been speaking long life for so long that nothing can stop what you built with your words.” Well, she recovered and went on to live a long healthy life. Why? She had sent words into her future and nothing could cancel the spiritual laws she had formed; not even a deadly accident.
You too can send life words into your 2018. You can speak what you want to see happen in your future. You can say that all your travels will always be safe. You can say the life of God in you will always keep you healthy. Meditate on the Word and speak it long enough. Then you will walk out the future you desire.