And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Saints,
Today, we continue to discover the mystery of the triunity of man.
Man is a spirit who has a soul, and lives in a body (Job 4:19 refers to the body as house of clay) as you can see in our theme scripture. Each of these components of man functions differently. The spirit of man is the “real” man. It is this real man who is made like God. Man lost this privilege to satan when Adam sold out his rights. The good news is that Jesus our redeemer repossessed all that which was lost for us.
God is a Spirit. The word says that whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6. From this verse, we can deduce that we are born of God, since He is a Spirit, then we too are. Last week we saw how that we are “new creatures”, (2 Cor. 5:17.) without a past, in fact,
we are a new species. The old nature inherited from Adam is gone and buried. The new nature in Jesus (second Adam) has began. We become new creatures because of being IN Christ, Which gives us sonship status with God. This process catapults us back to the time when God created man (Adam) in His image and likeness, with all the privileges he had originally. The Spirit of God now resides in this “born again” new man as if he had never sinned.
Now, with man being a spirit, and endowed with the Spirit of God, “can do all things” like God does. Philipians 4:13. Besides doing all things, He, the Spirit of God will teach you all things.
This includes, but not limited to praying in the spirit. This is probably the most vital aspect of man being a spirit. The Spirit of God helps, through the spirit of man to make decisions, follow directions, gives you the ability to do the impossible, and to pray. In essence, concerning spiritual things, we do not do anything to make things happen, The Spirit helps us to do all things. Our part is to believe. See your SPREADING THE LIGHT BULLETIN next week.