Father's House Bible College
Father’s House Bible College

Do you sense a call of God to reach your nation, your generation or the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Or do you just know that God has something for you to do to touch people’s lives? Discover Father’s House Bible College.Father’s House Bible College exists to train laborers for the last day harvest of souls. Since 2006, we have graduated more than 500 students and are currently training 53 students from all walks of life. Many of these students are pastors of small local churches who have never received ministerial training. Due to the high cost of most Bible colleges, many ministers of the gospel lack the basic understanding to rightly divide the Word of God. FATHER’S HOUSE BIBLE COLLEGE solves this problem by offering sound Biblical education at a “Kindergarten” price of $30.00 per term. This is highly affordable and through sponsorship we are able to help many students.

Kenya has received extensive evangelism but still more work needs to be done. We still have several tribes that have not been reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition, very little sound teaching of the Word of God goes on in the country.Extreme religious activity is quite rampant in the country thus necessitating sound teaching of the Word of God. More sound teaching churches needs to be pioneered and more pastors need to be trained.

Testimonies from Bible school graduates are amazing. Many of them say they have never received such sound teaching. Their lives and ministries are forever changed through the teaching and impartation that takes place at FATHER’S HOUSE BIBLE COLLEGE. New Churches have been started, existing churches grown and missionaries sent out to Rwanda and other nations through our Eritrean affiliate Bible College. Our Eritrean Bible School graduates now minister in Sudan, Dubai and other Northern Africa and Middle Eastern nations.  Currently, expansion is happening with new Bible classes opening in Eldoret, Turkana and Meru.  The light is spreading far and wide and we’re ecstatic about it.