March 17, 2019
We shall reap
Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Dearly Beloved,
I trust that it is well with your spirit, soul, and body.We are still talking about the subject of fear. It is a terrible spirit. Fear paralysis and blocks all possibilities of progress and success in one’s life.
Never allow what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Boxing manager Cus D’Amato said:“The hero and the coward feel the same fear, but the hero uses his fear and projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. Its the same fear; its what you do with it that matters.” Most negative emotions can be converted into something positive to help us get further in life. Are you afraid of poverty? Convert it into a work ethic. Are you afraid of greediness? Convert it into generosity. Are you afraid of rejection? Convert it into the ability to connect with people. Are you afraid of insignificance? Convert it to the service of others. Economist Roger Babson said, “if things go wrong, don’t go with them”. Instead, seek a new way to do it. You can turn your life around by taking the thing that once created fear, and using that energy to do something worthwhile.
There are many things in life you cant control, and there is no good reason to worry about those things. There is a difference between worry and concern.
A worried person sees a problem; a concerned person solves a problem. You can become a problem solver by focusing on the things you can control. The first one is your attitude, remember, what happens to you is not nearly as important as what happens in you. The second is your calendar. You may not be able to control today’s circumstances, but you can do your best to plan the time you have. Do not fear the future, prepare for it. Don’t lose heart you shall reap.