Romans 5:16-17  For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. NKJV


Have you ever wondered how come some believers thrive and flourish more than others?  Yes the Bible does tell us that it is not wise to compare yourself with another person (2 Cor.10:12).  But you can learn from others for the Bible says that iron sharpens iron  (Prov. 27:17).  In the above opening Scripture, it’s talking about a certain category of people…those who receive abundance of grace.  These are the ones who reign in life through Christ Jesus.  The word abundance there means “overflowing”. The word RECEIVE is the Greek word  lambano which means seize, to catch, and make it yours.  It means to go after something and take ahold of it.

Those who receive overflowing grace shall reign in life.  This shows you why Christians are at different levels of advancement and spiritual growth. Some partake of more grace and reign over the enemy and negative circumstances.  Some receive just a little bit of grace to at least make heaven and miss hell. It is up to you to decide how much grace you’re going to partake.  Grace is multiplied through the knowledge of God.  God gives more grace…to the humble. Take full advantage of the finished work of Christ and of who He’s made you to be in Him by His amazing grace.

For example: Some people believe to be healthy for one more day.  Others believe they’ll never be sick one more day in their lives.  Some believers are expecting to live a long life while some think they might die soon and go on to heaven.  Some receive the Word for divine health (such as given at healing school,) or more revelation at church services, while others stay home and watch TV and end up saying the Word doesn’t work for them.  Some choose to receive their healing through the Word while some believe for a successful surgery.  Some believers are living in strife in their home…opening up the door for the devil to come on in not realizing he comes to kill, steal and destroy them and their loved ones.  Others are walking in love and keeping the door closed to the enemy.

Some believe the world is hard, there are no jobs and there is no money.  Others believe they’re going to buy the company they work for.  It’s up to you to determine how much of His grace you seize and walk in.  Some give their way out of poverty and speak of a big bright future, while some say they never have any money to give.

Yet God loves each and every one of us and has given us the freedom of choice.  Brethren, you have a choice of how much grace you seize and make your own.  Those who go after and partake of more grace shall rule and reign on this planet.  Others will be ruled over, become victims and lose at the game of life.  Which one will you be?

The Lord Jesus, our perfect example said:  “…the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.”  John 14:30  NKJV  He walked in such grace and dependence on the Father that He ruled and reigned in life all the way through His arrest, His death, burial and resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father.”  You and I are partakers of His grace.  (John 1:16-17.)  Let’s seize as much of His grace as we can and reign in life over a defeated foe, until we see Jesus face to face as overcomers.  He who overcomes shall inherit all things.  (Rev. 21:7 NKJV )