The callings of God

Pastor Victor Mwangi
Pastor Victor Mwangi

1st Sam 3:10 KJV
And the LORD came, and stood, and called us at other times, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel: Then Samuel answered, speak; for the servant heareth.

All of us are either parents or have had parents. Throughout your life, your parents called you many times or you as a parent now calls your children many times. You don`t just call them one time in their lives .Sometimes you call them in for supper. Sometime s you call them for more serious issues, sometimes just to let them know how much you love them. Usually, the more serious the issue, the more you call each child individually .The idea when you call someone is for them to come to you! When He calls you, God fully intends for you to come to Him. In the above Scripture, Samuel was so unaccustomed to God`s voice that when God called him he thought Eli was calling him. But God kept calling. God doesn`t give up on calling you when you don`t answer his called.

When you lived in darkness, God called you and brought you in the in to the family of God then he called you to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Since then, He keeps calling you by tugging at your heart .He has something to say to you. In this final days God needs your attention!!! He has some thing s for you to do. But they must be done His way and at His timing .Sometimes the call of God to you manifests as hunger. What He means is for you to stop looking at and desiring other things and pay Him attention .The apostles Paul said he was reaching for it. Following God`s call will bring you to your special functions and assignment. He has special projects that only you can do. He has secrets strategies not given access to everybody, hidden in him just for you. Will you Set time aside to listen to him?

Further Study: Matt 6:33; Rom 8:30
Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called, whom He called, these also justified; and whom He justified, these
He also glorified

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