Dear brothers and sisters,

The Bible teaches us that God is good, and the source of good.  We have to learn to seek and follow goodness.

John 10:1-3 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. NKJV


The person who’s right comes the right way; through the front door.  Jesus came the right way. What kind of Shepherd is He? We know He’s powerful and loving. But He described Himself as the “good” Shepherd.

If you keep on studying John 10, you’ll find that He calls His own sheep by name. He knows your name and He calls you often. You should never say you cannot hear His voice.  He said “His” sheep “know” His voice.  Agreeing with what He said opens you up to the voice of His Spirit in your life.  You should often say: “I hear the voice of my good Shepherd, and the voice of a stranger I do not follow.”

Jesus doesn’t roughly drive the sheep.   He simply calls them.  They know His comforting soothing voice.  What if some false prophet or prophetess calls His sheep? They don’t even respond. That’s an unfamiliar voice. They stay away from it! It doesn’t sound right to them.

In verse 10, Jesus said it’s the thief that comes to steal, kill and to destroy.  If something was stolen, God is not part it. If something or someone was killed or destroyed, God was not in it.  Never ever attribute things that steal, kill or destroy to Him.  That would boarder on blaspheming your Heavenly Father.  The amplified Bible says that Jesus came that we might have life to the full till it overflows.  Can you tell what’s of God and what’s not of Him?

Look at Psalms 23. Verse 5 tells us that it’s the same good Shepherd who fills your cup till it runs over. The great I AM says His name is: THE GOOD SHEPHERD. He is more than enough for every need you can ever have. This is why verse one begins by saying that the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. Because He is our Shepherd, we do not lack for anything.

The good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. Who scatters the sheep? The wolf.  The voice that scatters the sheep is from the ‘”wolf.” Jesus talked of those who would come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing. The voice of a wolf scatters. It divides and chases out of the fold. In John 10:11 and 14, Jesus repeats that He is the good Shepherd and then He adds: “I’m known of mine.” Praise the Lord. If you are His sheep, you know Him. You’re not confused. You know His voice. His voice sounds exactly like His Word.

It a good thing for us to always say: “I know Him and I know His voice.”  Even if you’ve made some mistakes before, believe and say: “I know Him and I know His voice.”

Acknowledge Him as your good Shepherd who leads you to good things. Amen.