For years, churches all over the world have prayed; asking God for revival. However, most people’s perspective of revival is wrong. Many think that God is the One holding out on us and that we don’t have the equipping that we need to have a move of God. We need more of this and we need more of that. So they pray for manifestations.
But if you study the book of Acts, you’ll find that they turned their world ‘upside down’ and all they had was salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. They didn’t think they needed anything else to change their world.
The fact is, we don’t have an equipment problem but an awareness problem. Many people in the body of Christ in general lack fellowship with God and rely on intellectual formulas. I believe if we all focused on our connection with God: OUR UNION WITH CHRIST, we would see that we have all we need to change our city, nation and beyond. (John 15:7.)
A better term for what is needed is an awakening to God and to what we already have in Him. A revelation of His power and glory in us. This is why we keep insisting that we pray those Spirit given prayers such as are found in Ephesians 1:16-23, 3:14-20, Col. 1:9-14 and in other epistles. Pray them daily.
If you study these prayers, you’ll find that Paul is not asking for the church to be given anything new but that God would open their eyes to understand/comprehend what they already have and to walk in it.
The truth is that you’re not going to get new experiences from God until you walk in what you already know or use what you already have. The reason people don’t walk in the things they have been given is because they’re not real to them. It comes down to a need for revelation. God is not going to flip a switch and all of a sudden we’re in ‘revival’. The switch has been on for a long time since Jesus gave us the great commission and gave us the same equipping He used in His own ministry. (John 20:21 I would recommend these five things as being essential for us to be used by God in the great awakening that’s already here.
- Stay free of offense. Offense stunts your growth. Love everyone.
- Pursue God…to know Him (through fellowship) first; then the power will follow. Don’t pursue power and manifestations. (James 4:8.)
- Live a holy life…separated from the things of this world.
- Be obedient even in the small things…being led of the Spirit of God.
- Increase your awareness of His presence. Drink of Him daily.
As we do these things, we’ll be major players in this great awakening to God and the revivals of the past will look like child’s play in comparison.