Eunice-Victor-e1455974361511GOING FOR THE HARVEST

ONE A WEEK part 6




Ephesians 4:11,12

  1. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
  2. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.


Dear Saints,

Over the past several weeks we have been talking about “going for the harvest”. We covered areas such as, being doers of the word and not just hearers deceiving ourselves…. it’s amazing how we can easily deceive ourselves and not even know it by simply ignoring the “doing” part of the word. As such, the Word never becomes effective in our lives. So we end up playing religion, where we know more about our denomination than we know the word of God. That’s sad.

Many people do not know their calling. In this bulletin I want to help you to discover exactly that, your calling. It’s a journey and not an event.

In the above scripture

Ephesians 4:11, and 12,

We learn two major assignments; the five areas of calling in ministry and the ministry of the saints.

For the purpose of this article we will address the ministry of the saints

Because this is where the appointment to the five-fold ministry begins.

The primary work of the pastor is to train you so YOU can go out and put to work (DO) what you have been taught. One major act of obedience in the simplest form is doing what is known, until the un-known is revealed.

You cannot begin verse 11, until you have gone though verse 12.

That is being equipped (trained) for the ministry. In the area of our theme,

“Going for the harvest”, Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, and Mark. 16:15,

“GO YE” into all nations…

Your number one clue to discovering your calling is first of all to “go”.

Beginning in Jerusalem (your neighborhood, apt. Complex). This, child of God, is your basic calling. God has called us this year to the ONE A WEEK

Project so that each of us can do “the work of the ministry”. But am not called into the ministry someone may say…but the “go ye” is not for special kind of people it is for everyone that will dare to believe, obey, and do. THATS YOU, you are to do the work of the ministry. What kind of ministry are you called into? Check it out in the SPREADING THE LIGHT BULLETIN NEXT SUNDAY… It gonna be powerful. You are blessed. We love you.

REMEMBER, we want to hear what God is doing in your life, allow us to celebrate the goodness of our God with you.

Be a blessing, witness, Invite someone, ONE A WEEK, YOU CAN DO IT.

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